
Advanced Experimental Molecular Biology Assignments and Grading

BIOS 313 is a CAPSTONE course: the crowning achievement, the acme of your undergraduate laboratory training at Rice. We assess your abilities to apply knowledge you've gained in other laboratory and lecture courses to the presentation and communication of a real research project.

SPECIAL NOTE: Bios 313 is my MOST ADVANCED laboratory course and requires greater independence than Bios 312.
You spend just THREE days performing actual lab procedures. The experimental procedures are often less demanding than those you performed in Bios 311; HOWEVER, just because the experiments may be "easier" does not mean the lab requires less effort. I place a greater emphasis on analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data; if you keep a "sloppy" notebook and slap a PowerPoint presentation together at the last minute without really understanding "why" you did a procedure and "what" the results mean, you will be disappointed with your final grade.

Several of you have worked or are working in Dr. Braam's lab. Although this experience may give you an advantage in performing the experiments and/or understanding the results, you are still expected to meet our standards (see our Laboratory Learning Objectives) for keeping a laboratory notebook and preparing a PowerPoint presentation. Do not make the mistake of assuming this lab will be "easy" just because you've worked with Arabidopsis before.

Remember, the undergraduate program is a series of steps. Keep in mind that a level of performance that would result in a B/B+ or sometimes even an A at the introductory level, does not (and should not) translate into a high grade at the advanced level.
We forgive a lot of mistakes early on but you must recall the lessons learned from these mistakes when you conduct similar work at an advanced level.
Additionally, the criteria we use to evaluate your performance in an advanced laboratory course are different from those we use in an introductory course.

"Fairness" in this course means everyone is evaluated on the same criteria.
Since everyone does not have the same ability, everyone does not get the same grade; this outcome is not "unfair" but rather is simply reality.

****Come to lab prepared and learn to work effectively as a TEAM. Focus on learning and you should do fine.****

Copyright, Acknowledgements, and Intended Use
Created by B. Beason (bbeason@rice.edu), Rice University, 29 June 2006
Updated 3 July 2007